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UPSSWA Students Unite Event

Author: Tinyiko Nkuna, UPSSWA Inter-varsity and Transformation Officer

The University of Pretoria Student Social Worker’s Association held an online event on 23 April 2021. This online event aimed to unite social work students from various universities to engage in conversation about their experiences of being social work students in their respective universities and the change that they envisage in terms of how social work is taught. 

We had a fruitful conversation in which students added valuable contributions in terms of how we need more practical education for social work and the need for more young lecturers of this era who are more in tune to the current times especially when it comes to social work. We also discussed issues surrounding how social workers are not valued and how social work is under-rated as a profession. 

This online event was a success and we have learnt so much from each other as diverse students. We as UPSSWA would like to have more events such as these to bring students together. In creating a united front as students, we will be able to network much better and put our profession on the map.